From holiday cards to beautiful textiles, block printing allows you to create textured designs using a few simple tools. Join Spoonflower artist and maker Alyson Toone Aguilar as she teaches us how to make block prints using linoleum blocks and found items—like toys and sponges. Get ready to block out some time for creativity!
Alyson: Block printing is a great way to create textile prints. I used block printing to design a few of the most popular prints in my Spoonflower shop. Personally, I love block printing or stamping with ink pads. I reuse my stamps to create completely new designs. Plus, when using ink pads, the clean up is much easier than with block printing ink.
Shop Best-Selling Block Print Designs by alysonjonlife
How To Make A Block Print Design With Linoleum Blocks or Sheets
Here is a basic tutorial on block printing. See the bonus information further down the post about printing with objects that you can find around your house.
What you will need to make a block print:
- Linoleum blocks or linoleum sheets (any size is fine but small is preferable)
- Wooden blocks (including toy blocks or wooden scraps) or pre-made stamp mounts—to attach your linoleum sheet or found item for stamping
- Hot glue or wood glue—to glue your linoleum sheet or found item to your stamp mount
- Linoleum cutter(s) or wood cutter(s)
- Scissors—to cut your linoleum sheets
- Dye ink pad(s)—for stamping
- Pencil—to draw your design
- Paper—to draw and stamp your design
- Found items (for the second half of this tutorial)—such as old wooden or foam toy blocks, screws, bolts, nuts, marker/pen lids, small plastic toys, etc. Get creative and we will experiment together in the workshop.
- Large spoon—to press down your block (optional)
- Ruler (optional)
- Unscented baby wipes—for clean up (optional, but very helpful)
Step 1: Draw Your Design
Sketch your design on paper. Consider the areas you would like to be colored with ink, or left as negative space (where there is no color).
Step 2: Recreate Your Design On Your Linoleum Block
Draw your design onto your block. Mark areas that will be removed in your design so that you can know where to cut.
Step 3: Carve Out Your Design
Cut into your linoleum using your linoleum or wooden cutter. Hold the block steady with your less dominant hand and carve with your most dominant hand. Be careful and safe with your cutter. Direct it away from your body and other hand while carving.
Use The Correct Cutter
Optional Step 4: Cut Out Your Design From Your Linoleum Sheet
This step is for you if you are working on the thin grey linoleum sheet. If not, move on to the next step. Using craft scissors, cut your design from the sheet. Get as close to your design as possible. You can use the trimmed design as your stamping block for printing now. You can also mount your block to a pre-made stamp mount found at craft stores or a wooden toy block. Just glue it with hot glue or wood glue to the mount.
Step 5: Apply Ink to Your Block Design
Load your block with ink by applying the ink pad to the stamping block. Make sure all parts of the design look evenly covered with ink. This may take several dabs with the ink pad.
Keep Your Craft Clean
Step 6: Test Out Your Block
Test your block by printing on a scrap piece of paper. Press your stamping block firmly onto the paper. Press firmly all over the back of the block to ensure that enough ink transfers to the paper.
If you have a block made of thin grey Hessian-backed linoleum, use a large spoon to help press down the block.
Slowly pull the block up from the paper and set the block aside. Look for any issues with the design. There may be parts of the negative space areas that need to be carved down a little more. Carve those parts using your linoleum cutters.
Step 7: Create Prints With Your Block
Now your block is ready for printing. Make sure to clean your block with baby wipes between each new color application.
How To Make a Block Print Design With Found Items
Found objects are exactly what they sound like—items that you find. You can locate and collect these items in various places, like your home, office or even a thrift store.
One of the biggest misconceptions in art and craft is that you need to purchase lots of pre-made supplies to be creative. Hopefully, this section will open your eyes to the supplies that you already have around you. Scroll down to find tips and ideas on finding objects that you can use for this technique.
Step 1: Locate Your Found Items To Print With
You can block print with several things around your home or office. Here’s a list of things to consider:
Shipping Materials
- Cardboard—to cut and make into stamp mounds/blocks
- The foam pieces that keep merchandise in place—can be used as is or cut into pieces
- Bubble wrap
Household Materials
- Kitchen sponges (new or used—it’s up to you)
- Bottle lids
- Wine corks
- Netting from potatoes or onions
- The side of a woven basket
Sewing Supplies
- The side of a rolled-up measuring tape
- Empty thread spools
- Clothes pins
- Beads
- Ribbon
- Textured fabric like coarse burlap or open-weave cotton
Office Supplies
- The plastic ring from Scotch tape
- Unsharpened pencils
- Foam blocks or bath toys
- Cheap plastic miniatures
- Wooden blocks
- Wooden figures
Craft Supplies
- Pom poms (both acrylic and wool work well)
- Paint lids
- Yarn or wire wrapped around a stamp block
- Wooden dowels
Step 2: Test Your Found Block Print Items on Test Paper
Grab your ink pad and press your found items into the ink. Press your found item onto a piece of scrap paper to see how it prints. Some items will print better than others. Pictured above are some of the items I tested.
Step 3: Create A Design Pattern
Now that we know which items print well, you can choose which ones you’d like to use in a combination to make a patterned design. Using a fresh piece of paper or fabric, and start printing.
Things To Remember
- This process will include experimentation. Not all materials are porous or absorb enough ink for the printing process. On the flip side, some materials are far too porous which can cause blobby prints.
- Test on scrap paper before first. Take your time to try out your found object on a piece of scrap paper before you try to create the real thing. Some of the items pictured here did not work well for me. The flat plastic beads in this photo were not porous enough to make a complete print.
- Use unwanted items. Make sure you are using items that you are not attached to. The ink will most likely stain your items.
- Foam is your friend. Anything foam is pretty much perfect for this printing technique.
- Have fun! Play the scientist and experiment. You may exceed your expectations. Please share your creations with me on Instagram. I always love to see what students create. Happy printing!
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